What if Berkeley Had Gone to Berkeley?

What if Berkeley Had Gone to Berkeley? - Neurophysiology & Physics in the Defense of Informational Idealism: Part I: The Problem of Experience (by Paul N. Seward): Our argument is divided into two parts. In this Part I, we stipulate and defend the existence of an experiencing subject or “self” that is not identical to consciousness but for whom consciousness is an objective experience. We then show that the relationship of time and space to moving objects requires that the self cannot be a part of space-time or made of matter and energy.

Metaphorms: Physics Is Not Beyond You and You Make It Matter

Metaphorms: Physics Is Not Beyond You and You Make It Matter Part I (Iona Miller): The most deconstructed archetypal forms are vortexes, toroids, solitons, gyres, and singularities. The most fundamental archetype of process is the Field. To claim the wave is unphysical and the particle is physical is a dated idea of the relation between mind and body. The quantum vacuum is a dynamic massless scalar field. Scalars are just active information; a hologram is pure information. Entanglement is a property of nonlocal quantum information exchange.

Time Measurement, Special Relativity & Time Fractional Formalism

New Understanding of Time Measurement (by Amrit S. Sorli): Recent physical research on time measuring suggests time measured with clocks is merely a numerical sequence of changes that takes place in quantum vacuum. Observer perceives this mathematical sequence of change with his senses, then it is processed within the framework of linear psychological time “past-present-future”, and finally it is experienced. In quantum vacuum the past, present, and future exist only as a mathematical numerical sequence of change.

An Onto-Epic Quantum Physicist & Observer as Absolute Reference Frame

Reflections on an Unromantic Brief Encounter with an Onto-Epic Quantum Physicist (by Graham P. Smetham): A recent encounter with a quantum physicist has prompted me to examine the claims made by some interpreters of the work of Wojciech H. Zurek, and perhaps by Zurek himself – he does not seem to be clear on this point, that the quantum Darwinian approach to decoherence provides a means to establish the ‘objectivity’ of the classical world through the quantum ‘epiontic’ mechanism.

Quantum Mind, Language, Self Reference & Everything

Quantum Mind in TGD Universe (by Matti Pitkanen): The basic difficulties and challenges of Quantum Mind program are analyzed. The conclusion is that the recent form of quantum theory is not enough to overcome the challenges posed by the philosophical problems of quantum physics and quantum mind theories, and the puzzles of quantum biology and quantum neuroscience. Certain anomalies of recent day biology gives hints about how quantum theory should be generalized to serve as an introduction to the summary of the aspects of quantum TGD especially relevant to the notion of Quantum Mind.


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