Awareness of the Ultimate Reality of Allah Part 2

Chance or Intelligence? (by Nadeem Haque): Abstract: It is argued that, if our answer to creation by chance is negative, there can only be a unique governing intelligence. This vast singular intelligence must have created and developed all living and non-living things, as well as particles/energy and time itself.

Did the Buddha Believe in God? (by Nadeem Haque): Abstract: It is argued that Buddha, contrary to being an atheist or a person who never answered or avoided answering the question of God’s existence, as some of the present day Buddhist sects and most Western and Eastern scholars portray, also believed in One God.

Meaningless or Purposeful? (by Nadeem Haque, Mehran Banaei): Abstract: We reflect as to whether there is a purpose behind the Big Bang, and ask such questions as: what role are we to play, if any, in the realm that has evolved afterwards? Did nature evolve from the Big Bang merely for subservience to Man?

The Magic of Existence (by Nadeem Haque): Abstract: A collection of my poems expresses the “magic of existence”.