Confucian Analects Book XV Part 4 (孔夫子論語:衛靈公第十五 第四部份)

Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

The Master said, What wisdom has got will be lost again, unless love hold it fast. Wisdom to get and love to hold fast, without dignity of bearing, will not be honoured among men. Wisdom to get, love to hold fast and dignity of bearing, without courteous ways are not enough.



31. 子曰:「君子謀道不謀食。耕也,餒在其中矣;學也,祿在其中矣。君子憂道不憂 貧。」

The Master said, A gentleman thinks of the Way; he does not think of food. Sow, and famine may follow; learn, and pay may come; but a gentleman grieves for the Way; to be poor does not grieve him.

32. 子曰:「知及之,仁不能守之,雖得之,必失之。知及之,仁能守之,不莊以 之,則民不敬。知及之,仁能守之,莊以 之,動之不以禮,未善也。」

The Master said, What wisdom has got will be lost again, unless love hold it fast. Wisdom to get and love to hold fast, without dignity of bearing, will not be honoured among men. Wisdom to get, love to hold fast and dignity of bearing, without courteous ways are not enough.

33. 子曰:「君子不可小知,而可大受也。小人不可大受,而可小知也。」

The Master said, A gentleman has no small knowledge, but he can carry out big things: the small man can carry out nothing big, but he may be knowing in small things.

34. 子曰:「民之於仁也,甚於水火。水火,吾見蹈而死者矣,未見蹈仁而死者也。」

The Master said, Love is more to the people than fire and water. I have seen men come to their death by fire and water: I have seen no man that love brought to his death.

35. 子曰:「當仁不讓於師。」

The Master said, When love is at stake yield not to an army.

36. 子曰:「君子貞而不諒。」

The Master said, A gentleman is consistent, not changeless.

37. 子曰:「事君敬其事而後其食。」

The Master said, A servant of the king honours his work, and puts food after it.

38. 子曰:「有教無類。」

The Master said, Learning knows no rank.

39. 子曰:「道不同,不相為謀。」

The Master said, Mingle not in projects with a man whose way is not thine.

40. 子曰:「辭,達而已矣!」

The Master said, The whole end of speech is to be understood.

41. 師冕見。及階,子曰:「階也!」及席,子曰:「席也!」皆坐,子告之曰:「某在 斯!某在斯!」師冕出,子張問曰:「與師言之道與?」子曰:「然,固相師之道也。」

When he saw the music-master Mien, the Master said, as they came to the steps, Here are the steps. On coming to the mat, he said, Here is the mat. When all were seated, the Master told him, He and he are here.
After the music-master had gone, Tzu-chang said, Is this the way to speak to a music-master?
The Master said, Surely it is the way to help a music-master.